1. Initial Application
The first step in submitting a claim for either Social Security disability benefits and/or SSI is to file an application with the Social Security Administration (SSA), either online or in person. The Social Security Administration generally awards payment to between 40% and 50% of initial applicants for disability benefits. Normally, the initial determination in a claim for disability benefits takes anywhere from 30 to 120 days.2. Request for Reconsideration
If your application for disability benefits is denied by the SSA, it is then necessary to file a request for reconsideration in order to keep your case going and have any chance of eventually obtaining disability benefits. You have 60 days from the initial denial letter in which to file a request for reconsideration. Normally, a request for reconsideration takes anywhere from 30 to 120 days to get a response from the administration. Generally, the SSA denies approximately 90% of the requests for reconsideration. So if someone receives an initial denial, it is highly likely they will also receive a denial on the request for reconsideration, which makes it then necessary to file a request for hearing by an administrative law judge in order to keep their claim alive.3. Request a Hearing with an Administrative Law Judge